Posts Tagged ‘How To Produce Music’


How to produce music? Music Production For Dummies 2009

November 25, 2009


Don’t get sit there about think about making music, or try making music when you don’t have a clue. Get help and learn how to produce music correctly, you need to advance as quickly as possible and keep high consistent music coming out everyday. You need to get a myspace and build up a fan base, sell your music yourself and be an independent artist as much as you can be to be noticed by the major record companies. I want you to make it so take my advice and do the above, it will only benefit you and in the long run if you take it seriously.

Producing is something you can learn in your spare time and is something that can be very profitable, you can make hundreds a day just producing music and putting them for sale on the net. A few of my friends to this and make hundreds every single day before they consistently make good music and maintain a good reputation. This is the same image that you want to mirror to become a known artist, you want to put out music regularly and build a fan base. Build a name for yourself, a brand, something you could take to a fashion label and say I want to make some clothing with you or even aftershaves. Look at what the major artists are doing in the fashion world and believe that can be you, you could be up on that poster in times square if you put in enough work. Consistently putting out good quality music is the key.

The best way to learn is always to be taught when it’s something so creative, well taught to a certain level and then left to be creative. You need to find out how to use music production software and learn how you can use it to express and create hit records for the world. Start today producing music properly today, find somebody that can help you and push you to make that music consistently. Someone that will tell you when your standards are dropping or growing, someone that can teach you about sampling and looping, mixing and mastering, Everything you need to know about the music studio.

For Information Visit

Good Luck


What are VST plugins for Music Production Software?

November 24, 2009

Website –

Everyday i get new producers who have been making music for a few days to a few years asking me about VST plugins and what are the best ones? How to they use them? What they are? Are they any good? Well to be totally honest without VST’s music would be pretty boring with everyone using the same around for making music. Programmers make VST’s for produces so they can have many more sounds then what is with the software you purchase, also many VST’s allow you to create brand new soungs so you can be 100% unique with your music production.

VST’s only work with some programs that allow you to use them for example Logic Pro allows you to, Pro tools allows you to however Reason 1-4 does not and you MUST use what you are provided with however you can use samples and do many things with them. Reason is a very powerful music production tool which should never be doubted, even DR Dre is using reason right now and i must admit it’s my favourite for production.

A problem with VST’s is somethings they can get confusing for new users as they are basically a software version of a real digital audio piece of hardware for creating music – so when learning how to use VST’s make sure you are learning from a good teacher! Good look with your music production!

For more information visit –


How To Make Money By Making Music

November 21, 2009

Starting a career in music production is something that has to be mastered and has to be taught. You cannot be naturally born knowing everything, knowledge and power in the world is taught to you and I am going to tell you many ways you can learn how to build a career in music production. Let’s start with the creative side of music production and where it all begins.

Music Production Software is where all the fun begins, Music Production Hardware is all part of it but generally speaking I am going to use the term Music Production Software. You will need this to create your music, and however you may start learning (through fruity loops, reason etc) but ultimately you will need to end up using industry standard music production software such as Pro Tools or Logic Pro. This will give you the freedom to move around different record studios. Check the link below for more information

The Music Production Equipment (Hardware) you use is just as important as the music software. Your production equipment could be your midi keyboard, microphone, digital keyboard (Triton, Yamaha etc), mixing desk, audio interface or many other different types of equipment. Learn to use them with the music production software because without the software it’s going to be hard to mix all the audio together to get a great mix. Invest in good quality equipment and the results you will great out of your music will be amazing – There are guides at the bottom of the page – follow the link.

Building up your knowledge for a career in Music Production is critical, so ensure you watch online Music Production Tutorials. They will give you everything you need to know production wise, you will be learning some of the same production methods as many established producers.
Anyone that may be more advanced than you get Music Production Tips from, it’s always good to learn and take on advice.

I wish your Career in Music Production to be amazing and you reach to the top.

Visit for more information


Becoming The Next Big Music Producer Or Recording Artist

July 16, 2009

Are you thinking about starting up in the music industry? Thinking of beat making for fun or creating music as a career? Do you want to me beats like ‘Pharrell’, ‘Timbaland’, ‘Scott Storch’, ‘Dr Dre’ and get them to the top of the charts around the world? Well everyday I meet people like you at the recording studio I work at and there is a place for you in the music industry producing music.

If you want to start in the music industry producing music for yourself or for other people you firstly, need to get your knowledge on music production up. There are so many different formulas and techniques that are standard when making music and if you don’t know them you will find it very hard to make it to the top in the music industry. There is so many unfilled places but you need to tap into the music industry market by giving them what they want, the best recommended ways to get this knowledge is from a Mentor. A Mentor is like a manager however leaves you to go and do your creative production work, they will teach you everything you need to know and let you take it to that place. The mentor will show you what music production software & hardware you require such as Fruity Loops, Pro tools & Logic Pro. The hardware side will be teaching you about MPC’s, Mixers, Audio Interfaces, Monitors and more – These things are all very much so important when producing music.

If you are sure you want to enter the music industry all of these things are available for you and you can start with your journey today. Its hard work but you can do it all in your spare time, however firstly you need to get your music knowledge up and you can do this by studying from home in your spare time. I’ve seen and heard of many places that claim to help people just like you but I have found the most powerful one yet; they teach you everything about the music studio. Mastering & mixing are the main things that give your song the sound that sounds professional and you need to master it. Once you have that there will be no stopping you from sounding a million dollars and with your new music production skills, you will be the next best thing.

For more information visit

Good luck using that site.


Producing Music From A Home Studio

July 6, 2009

Learning music production from home is one of the most enjoyable things to do as a producer, you get to make your mistakes without any body knowing, you get to experiment without anybody seeing your tricks and techniques… music production is truly amazing. Suddenly in the past 5 years there has been a massive raise in the way music production is seen in the educational eyes and college and university courses have been popping up like hot cakes all over the world.

But is a college or university course in music production what you really need?

I think not, everything you can learn in music production you can learn from a single website that I found while browsing the internet a few months back. After studying a 3 year Degree in ‘Commercial Music’ I took on this course online and realized that everything I had been sitting down studying for 3 years was available in a program that takes a few months to do in your own time from home.

The topics range from music production, music strategies, pop music culture, hip hop, music entrepreneurship and so much more. The creative side is so down to you to be honest, only you can push you and to be honest.. 3 years of studying a degree like myself is not going to do any different than a short course can do for you in a few months. You need to take action for yourself.

You need to become an Entrepreneur in this day in age, being your own boss. Knowledge is the key to any Entrepreneur, so make sure you get your knowledge and know how up!

Visit the website –

Gook luck in becoming that Entrepreneur


What Is Music Producer Pro?

January 9, 2009


There are literally hundreds if not thousands of programs out there claiming that they can teach anyone how to make rap beats. The truth is a lot of these programs are a waste of time and even worse a waste of money. This article will take a look at one particular program that has been getting some major attention as of late. Music Producer Pro is the program that will be discussed in this article. I will give a quick overview of this program hopefully giving those interested in making rap beats and overall music production a good idea rather this program is for them or not.

Music Producer Pro is an online workshop that was created by musician and master producer Jay Dynasty. Jay developed this program after years of answering music producing questions on a regular basis. He wanted to create a program unlike any other, so he decided to make an everything you need to know online music production workshop. One thing that he really wanted to stand out about Music Pro is the ease of use. This program is designed for every level of music producer. It doesn’t matter if you are a music veteran or a complete newbie, you should be able to benefit greatly from this program..

So, what is Music Producer Pro all about.

Simply put, this program was created to teach anyone how to produce music. Every aspect of music production is addressed in this online production workshop. It goes into detail about how to make rap beats from scratch to how to master a rock metal track. . All of the instructional videos are downloadable so you can put them on your ipod or even create your own dvd and watch them on your tv, pretty cool.

Music Producer Pro in my opinion is a great program for anyone that is serious about a career in the music industry. It contains all of the informational needed to make quality music no matter what style. So it really doesn’t if you are wanting to learn how to make rap beats or score music to picture, this program will teach you how to do it effectively and professionally.

Learn how to make professional beats


Free Music Production Tutorials

January 9, 2009

Don’t get sit there about think about making music, or try making music when you don’t have a clue. Get help and learn how to produce music correctly, you need to advance as quickly as possible and keep high consistent music coming out everyday. You need to get a myspace and build up a fan base, sell your music yourself and be an independent artist as much as you can be to be noticed by the major record companies. I want you to make it so take my advice and do the above, it will only benefit you and in the long run if you take it seriously.

Producing is something you can learn in your spare time and is something that can be very profitable, you can make hundreds a day just producing music and putting them for sale on the net. A few of my friends to this and make hundreds every single day before they consistently make good music and maintain a good reputation. This is the same image that you want to mirror to become a known artist, you want to put out music regularly and build a fan base. Build a name for yourself, a brand, something you could take to a fashion label and say I want to make some clothing with you or even aftershaves. Look at what the major artists are doing in the fashion world and believe that can be you, you could be up on that poster in times square if you put in enough work. Consistently putting out good quality music is the key.

The best way to learn is always to be taught when it’s something so creative, well taught to a certain level and then left to be creative. You need to find out how to use music production software and learn how you can use it to express and create hit records for the world. Start today producing music properly today, find somebody that can help you and push you to make that music consistently. Someone that will tell you when your standards are dropping or growing, someone that can teach you about sampling and looping, mixing and mastering, Everything you need to know about the music studio.

For Information Visit


Make It As A Music Producer

December 24, 2008


I hear this every day from young teenagers that want to make a career in the music industry, they want to be the next ‘Pharrell’, ‘Timbaland’, ‘Scott Storch’, ‘Dr Dre’ and the list goes on. They ask me how did they make that sound? Ive been trying to make it for days in Fruity Loops.. etc etc

If you want to become a music producer, you need to get your musical production knowledge up. You need to learn from someone that knows everything you need to know and beyond that. A mentor.. almost like a manager but leaves you to go on with your own creative journeys. You need someone who can teach you all the best software programs such as Logic Pro, Fruity Loops, Reason, Audacity etc etc as well as the hardware aspect to music production such as MPC’s, Mixers, Microphones, Audio Interfaces and so on.

If you want to become a music producer these things are available for you, and if you wish to have a good chance in succeeding in the music industry. You need to get your knowledge up and start studying at home in your free time. I found a website which teaches you everything you need to know and more. The full in’s and out’s of the music studio, you will be mastering and mixing all of your songs by the time you finish. Polishing up other peoples songs and could even find a career in that.

But as I said, get your knowledge as high up as you can. There are hundreds of other people out there just like you saying ‘I Want To Become A Music Producer’.

Visit this website for more information –

Succeed in your dreams


Wanna Be A Record Producer?

September 22, 2008


I hear this every day from young teenagers that want to make a career in the music industry, they want to be the next ‘Pharrell’, ‘Timbaland’, ‘Scott Storch’, ‘Dr Dre’ and the list goes on. They ask me how did they make that sound? Ive been trying to make it for days in Fruity Loops.. etc etc

If you want to become a music producer, you need to get your musical production knowledge up. You need to learn from someone that knows everything you need to know and beyond that. A mentor.. almost like a manager but leaves you to go on with your own creative journeys. You need someone who can teach you all the best software programs such as Logic Pro, Fruity Loops, Reason, Audacity etc etc as well as the hardware aspect to music production such as MPC’s, Mixers, Microphones, Audio Interfaces and so on.

If you want to become a music producer these things are available for you, and if you wish to have a good chance in succeeding in the music industry. You need to get your knowledge up and start studying at home in your free time. I found a website which teaches you everything you need to know and more. The full in’s and out’s of the music studio, you will be mastering and mixing all of your songs by the time you finish. Polishing up other peoples songs and could even find a career in that.

But as I said, get your knowledge as high up as you can. There are hundreds of other people out there just like you saying ‘I Want To Become A Music Producer’.

Visit this website for more information –

Succeed in your dreams


Thinking About A Music Career?

August 28, 2008



Are you just there sitting thinking about producing music? Never got up and really tried to do it? Well now it’s time, it’s time to start your career in music and you can do it all from home. You don’t need to go on a 2 year college course to start, start now from home.


It’s easy and fun and you only need to learn, process and project. Learning the task of producing music, then understanding the process of producing music then projecting what you have learnt into music.


Start today, have some fun creating music with Music Producer Pro – Learn everything there is to know about music production.

**Ending very shortly is our lifetime membership so by joining today you will gain a one off lifetime membership instead of the monthly fee for access to hundreds of online guides and help, You will regret it if you miss this chance..


So I end this with saying, don’t just sit there thinking about starting a music career. Start today – right now infact, check out Music Producer Pro and you will see a start to your future.


Good Luck!