Posts Tagged ‘live instruments’


How To Make Hip Hop Music That Will Sell

November 25, 2009

Website –

Many producers all around the world want to start making hip hop music but have no idea how to go about it.. they have an idea they want to make loads of money from making music but have no idea how to go about it. Well first things first you will need to get some software or hardware that you can start composing some music on – this is what music is actually made with, it doesnt have to be made using live instruments. Infact 95% of music you hear now is all made by computers and not real instruments unless your into rock or indie.

The key to make music in hip hop that sales is to make something that people can sing along to or can easily relate to – you need to make music with a meaning or a purpose to the general publics lifes. There is no point making a song about nothing, make it personal to yourself or interesting to the audience listening to it. Think about the music that you like and basically copy what they are doing, why do you think they have made it? because they are clearly appealing to even YOU – that is what makes  an amazing producer/artist. Look at Beyonce who brings thousands of fans that can relate to her music all into one room to watch her then perform those songs. What is stopping YOU doing this?

There are many places online where you can learn everything you need to start making music that sells and even if it’s not selling to the public start selling your hiphop music to other artists so they can make songs to your beats and get paid! i know producers doing this and are making over $100,000. You can be apart of that dream today!

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