Posts Tagged ‘invest’


How Do Find People To Promote Your Music

March 7, 2010


There will be many people that will like your music but not actually buy your releases. They won’t invest money into you when they see your music in the shop, and may even illegally download your CD. So these people are a complete waste of time right? Wrong!

While some of them can be, others can still help push your music forward. They may help you in other ways, like promoting your music to people they know. This can be via word of mouth, playing your music for others to hear, or turning up to your shows with a paid ticket and a bunch of their friends.

Who’s to say their friends or people they tell about you won’t buy your product and also promote your music?

While downloading of music isn’t ideal, it’s clearly here to stay. There’s no point complaining as there’s not much you can do about it. Instead, use it to your advantage and let these people promote your music.

For more information please visit


I Want To Be A Rapper – Heres Five Tips For You

January 6, 2010

Website –

If you are reading this, chances are, you are either a rapper, or aspiring to become one.

A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that rapping is easy (which it is not). The flow and rhythm involved in rapping can take years to master, and that too if you have the aptitude or the talent for it.

Nevertheless, these are 5 tips every aspiring rapper should keep in mind:

1. Become acquainted with all rap styles: East Coast, West Coast, South. Listen carefully to rappers from with different styles and note their rhythm, flow and lyrical structures. A good ear for different rap styles is probably the number one thing you can have to be a good rapper, and will eventually help you create your own individual style.

2. Invest in a dictionary. While this may not sound very “hip hop”, but a strong vocabulary can really set you apart from dozens of other aspiring rappers. If you don’t know a word, look it up, and learn to use it in appropriate situations. Cleverly rhymed words that depart from the norm are the best weapons in the arsenal of any rapper.

3. Don’t be very strict about your song structure. You don’t have to start from verse to chorus to verse and so on. Experiment with different writing styles, and let the tune come to you naturally in whatever order it appears. If you get the chorus before the verse, or the outro before the chorus, don’t worry about it; the song structure can always be modified and tweaked later on.

4. Record yourself rapping as often as you can. This is the best form of feedback you can get. How you sound in person may be very different from what you sound like in your records.

5. Practice your timing. Rap is all about rhythm, flow and timing. Note how rappers like Eminem will accentuate the the lyric at the end of a beat. Little tricks like this make all the difference and really sets you apart from the crowd. Get a few beats (or make your own) and practice rapping to it using any random words that pop into your mind (it doesn’t have to sound good or professional), varying your timing to see what sounds the best.

For more information visit –